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Grow with purpose…

A successful business is one on a mission. But for most business owners the day to day customer fires, administrative chores and cash flow headaches drowned out any thought of mission or driven. This book is about how to reconnect with why you started your business in the first place. It is a practical guide split into three sections.

  • 1. Getting your head right.

    You can’t build a mission driven business if you don’t know where you are going, and more important unless you are clear about the non-negotiables you will not compromise along the way.

  • 2. Housekeeping.

    If you are like 99% of small business owners, your business is a mess. There are some basic systems and processes that must run smoothly before you can put yourself in a position to grow.

  • 3. Grow with purpose.

    The two key ingredients to long-term successful growth are not talked about enough in small business because they require discipline and an unconventional approach to making money. But the rewards are more far reaching and long lasting than you can imagine.