139: A Vision for Excellence (Part 2 of 2)

Lessons Learned from Roofing by Curry’s Story


The Impact of Vision, Values, and Leadership

Thank you for joining us for part 2 of our interview with Jesse Curry and Robbie Monday, where we delve into the profound impact of vision, values, and leadership on relationships within the Curry team and the broader community.

Transformative Alignment of Values

For business leaders, finding a company that resonates with their values can be truly transformative. Robbie’s journey exemplifies this truth. Robbie’s journey back to Roofing by Curry was strongly influenced by his long-term relationship with Gary and his alignment with their core values. As a result, Robbie effectively harnesses these values, instilled by Gary and Jesse, to encourage and exhort team members, while safeguarding the culture they've cultivated.

Dedication to Success

The outcome? A team wholly dedicated to the success of Roofing by Curry. This high level of engagement and commitment empowers them to continue their impactful contributions to the community through initiatives like the Curry Cares free roof program. We hope you find their story inspiring and enriching.

References and Resources:


140: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities


138: A Vision for Excellence (Part 1 of 2)