143: FTC Ruling Life Insurance Strategies, and Small Business Insights with Mark Clark

Empowering Small Business Growth with Life Insurance


In the latest episode of the Axiom Podcast, we had the pleasure of hosting Mark Clark, a partner at Prestige Planning RM. Mark’s extensive experience in financial advising and risk management provided a wealth of knowledge on the often misunderstood topic of life insurance. This blog post delves deeper into the insights shared during our conversation, highlighting the practical applications of life insurance for small business owners.

Mark began his career in corporate America, but soon realized his true passion was in helping people through financial advising. After conducting Crown Financial Ministry classes and entering the life insurance business, Mark discovered the profound impact he could have by designing policies that prioritize clients’ needs over company profits. This client-centric approach has been a cornerstone of his 30-year career.

Mark emphasizes that bad design leads to bad experiences. He discusses the two main types of life insurance: term insurance, which provides temporary coverage, and permanent insurance, which builds cash value over time. The key to a successful policy lies in understanding the client’s needs and designing a plan that serves both immediate and future goals.

Life insurance can be a powerful tool for business owners. Mark shares a compelling case study where life insurance facilitated a smooth transition of business ownership. By leveraging the cash value of a permanent policy, the business owner was able to finance the sale of the business to key employees, ensuring continuity and stability.

The recent FTC ruling that voids non-compete agreements has significant implications for business owners. Mark suggests using life insurance as an alternative to non-competes, creating “golden handcuffs” that provide financial incentives for key employees to stay. This approach not only protects the business but also offers valuable benefits to employees.

For those new to life insurance, Mark advises starting with a clear understanding of what you want the policy to achieve today and in the future. Whether it’s protecting your family, ensuring business continuity, or attracting top talent, a well-designed life insurance policy can be a versatile and valuable asset.

Our conversation with Mark highlighted the versatility and importance of life insurance in financial planning for small business owners. By focusing on good design and understanding the broader impact of policies, business owners can harness the power of life insurance to protect and grow their enterprises. For more insights, tune in to the full episode and explore how life insurance can benefit your business.

References and Resources:


144: From Humble Beginnings to Financial Success: Jude Wilson's Journey


142: Unlocking the Secrets of Successful Business Exit Planning (Part 2)