86: Helping Clients Achieve Their Vision

This week, join us as Joey is interviewed by Susan Tatum host of “Stop the Noise” podcast. Joey and Susan discuss how service organizations can only grow as much as their vision allows.

In this interview, we discuss strategy vs focus and how Axiom guides businesses to achieve their vision long term. Joey also shares the 5 layers of competency every service organization needs in order to succeed, and the importance of knowing what you want to achieve, and why strategy is more than just applying best practices.

5 Layers of Competency

  • Culture: What are the values? What is the vision? What is the shared purpose? What is the mission statement?

  • Leadership: To what extent do you have people within an organization who are called to serve others and put others in front of themselves? What are the clearly outlined roles and responsibilities?

  • Business Operations: How are you going to deliver the service you’re paid to deliver? What are the standard operating procedures? How is pricing established? How are profits measured?

  • Sales Marketing: How are you reaching customers? What services and packages are available in your services?

  • Customers: Who is your ideal consumer? What services do your customers need?

  • Financial Health and Profitability: How are you generating revenue?

References to tools and resources from this podcast episode:


87: Preparation - Place


85: Preparation - Time