74: Reinvent Your Company Retreat

When you think of a work retreat, what comes to mind? Schedules, agendas, meetings, team building… all the normal “fun” that draws out the best fake smile you can muster? Well, what if we told you there was a way to reinvent your company retreat so that the smiles aren’t forced and the fun comes without juxtaposition?

One of the most effective forms of ROI comes from a cultural, rather than financial perspective. When we retreat from our work, and we mean fully retreat, we can appreciate the work we do and the people we work with much more than when work is recategorized as a “retreat.”

Tune in to this week’s show to hear how Axiom does company retreats and how we are better off because of it!


75: Same Page Meetings


73: Through the Grace of God- With Sol Pitchon