76: Delegation

Do you find yourself holding back from delegating work to others? High achievers often do. You tend to know how you want things done and it’s difficult to accept anything less than YOUR best when it comes to tasks and assignments. But the real issue is not about getting the job done, it’s about empowering others to take responsibility.

As leaders, one of our most important priorities is ensuring that our teams have the tools they need to grow and succeed. Holding back opportunities for work because we believe we can do it better discourages workers from striving for more responsibilities.

Sure, in the short run we may be able to accomplish tasks better and more efficiently than others. But if we invest in our people by delegating these tasks to them, it encourages different perspectives and advantages that will bring back better work in the long run.

Join us as we guide you through the four steps to successful delegation and start building up your team for even greater success!


77: Roles and Venues


75: Same Page Meetings