
132: Getting a Head Start on the New Year
There are a lot of options out there for all of us when it comes to efficiency and productivity. But the question we are asking you during our first podcast of the 2024 season, is. . . are you choosing tools that are efficient specifically for you as the user? If not, why not, and how can we change that? Be sure to download the Leadership Guide for this podcast where we share key insights, as well as introduce you to the Eisenhower Matrix!

131: Meet the Axiom Team - Part 3 of 3
In the final podcast (part 3 of 3), we end these conversations with our team members by hearing from Cameron Earhart and Shannon Lonergan.

130: Meet the Axiom Team - Part 2 of 3
In this continuation podcast (part 2 of 3), we are diving deeper in the backgrounds of our team members, what brought them to Axiom and how each one of them plays a critical role here at Axiom. This week we’ll hear from Joey Brannon + Lukas Oest

129: Meet the Axiom Team - Part 1 of 3
In the first episode of a 3 part series, our host Shannon Lonergan is joined by the entire Axiom team for a fun full team podcast where we dive a little deeper into our team members and learn more about each of ourselves personally and professionally.

128: Business as a Ministry
This week’s episode of The Axiom Podcast discusses viewing business as a ministry by focusing on serving customers. Successful businesses are those that identify and meet their customers' needs. Tune in to learn more about how you can lead a business as a ministry.

127: Axiom’s Four Core Values
Lukas, our newest team member, makes his debut on The Axiom Podcast, where he joins Shannon to talk about Axiom’s four core values: care, truth, diligence, and learning. In this episode, we uncover the importance of having core values and how they are applied in a business setting.

126: Delegating Decision Making
In this episode of The Axiom Podcast, Shannon and Joey discuss the difficulties and advantages of delegating tasks as a leader and offer practical advice on improving delegation skills.
The conversation starts with why delegation is challenging for high achievers. It is difficult to relinquish control of tasks, but it will bear much fruit for the leader and team members involved.
Joey explains delegation involves a trade-off because explaining tasks and training others to handle them takes time. Nevertheless, empowering others to take over responsibilities can save leaders time in the long run.

125: Leadership Affirmations
Shannon is joined by Joey and Tommy as they discuss the importance of servant leadership and having leadership affirmations to build a strong culture. Excelling leaders are committed to investing time in others, encouraging and empowering their team, and championing the organization's values.

124: Developing Strong Teams through Accountability
Drawing insights from Joey's book, "Grow with Purpose," this podcast discussion centered around the importance of leaders being accountable to their teams and fostering a culture of accountability.

123: Quarterly Priorities
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s essential to have a strategic planning method that allows you to focus on your most important goals. That’s where quarterly priorities come in! Unlike regular tasks, quarterly priorities help you take a step back and plan for the next 90 days, enabling you to make meaningful progress while keeping the bigger picture in mind.

122: Lunch + Learn Survey Results
This week, our podcast is a recap of the No Bad Teams series with stats from a pre-event survey of 39 businesses in SW Florida. Shannon + Joey are shedding light on leadership + team struggles. 10 key questions are asked, which include topics ranging from toxic team members to interruptions to what your business is currently worth.

121: No Bad Teams (Part 3)
In our third and final episode of, No Bad Teams, we’re joined by Cameron Earhart of the Axiom team, where he is going to discuss the importance of creating and maintaining values for your business.
We talk about finding the 3-4 core values for your company, defining those values, and creating expectations for team members around the values.

120: No Bad Teams (Part 2)
In this week’s episode, Shannon + Joey continue diving into the idea of No Bad Teams, specifically going deeper on the idea of where good teams come from.

119: No Bad Teams (Part 1)
No Bad Teams” is a 3 part conversation. We start by exploring the meaning behind this statement, observing that when clients face problems, they tend to either focus on the individuals involved or the person at the center of the issue. We advocate for an Extreme Ownership approach, reminding our listeners that at the end of the day, no one can make a change except for themselves, and leading by example is the best approach to cultivating great teams.

118: Hiring “A” Players (Part 2)
In this episode, Devin and Shannon sit down to discuss the importance of categorizing candidates based on their experience and competency.

117: Hiring “A” Players (Part 1)
The hiring process is an essential function in any business. But hiring is more than getting people in the door. Companies that know this stick to a process designed to identify “A” players who contribute to the company culture and help the company accomplish its vision.

116: Culture handoff
What does a healthy succession plan look like when it comes to the CULTURE of an organization surviving and thriving as it passes from generation 1 to generation 2?

115: Businesses and Communities Flourishing Together | Thomas Hlohinec
Thomas Hlohinek (pronounced Low-he-nik) is the founder of Rise Financial Partners and also serves as the Executive Director of the Manasota Christian Community Foundation.

114: The Right and the Wrong Way to Hire Gen 2
In a lot of ways, this episode could be subtitled “What not to do if you want your kids to work in the business.” Joey and Devin talk about how the second generation can be brought into the business in a way that sets them and their peers up for success.

113: Can the Family Survive Working Together
Working with family can be one of the most rewarding and yet frustrating experiences, especially when it comes to older and younger generations working in the same business. In this episode, Joey and Devin talk about setting boundaries and how business owners can help their children working in the business understand what is most important and what can be put on the back burner.